Wednesday, April 13, 2011

This coming Monday, April 18, my husband will turn 40 years old!  Doesn’t seem possible that we are aging as fast as we are! He always gets complimented that he looks more like 30! I just wanted to share some thoughts about Mark and the 40 years he has spent here on earth. Hope you enjoy!
40.  Pretty Athletic (likes to play a variety of sports)          
39.  Positive attitude
38.  intelligent
37.  has exhibited leadership even at a young age
36.  not afraid to pursue dreams
35.  great dad to our 4 kids
34.  could argue with a fence post and win
33.  can make up a game out of anything (knee football, shooting games, etc…)
32.  hates to be surprised about anything (killed him not knowing the gender of our 4th child)
31.  can throw a nice spiral
30.  doesn’t like to be grossed out  (surprised he made it through childbirth)
29.  can’t spin around in circles without getting dizzy
28.  has turned the color green while riding in a small boat in Cancun
27.  was called “twinkle toes” in school (sorry babe)
26.  has an indented scar on his right leg (I think) from running into a boat trailer
25.  was a Para-legal in the United States Air force
24.  is color blind
23.  has a great singing voice
22.  came from a family of preachers
21.  is a great preacher/pastor
20.  went to 13 different schools by the time he was a senior in high school
19.  graduated with a masters degree from Liberty University
18.  was at Liberty when Jerry Falwell died, got to see his body in the rotunda of the school
17.  loves diet coke
16.  always had a desire to go to law school (back to #34)
15.  has met Randy White (former Cowboys player)
14.  was in the crowd at the ballpark for the filming of The Rookie
13.  knew he was going to marry me the first time he laid eyes on me
12.  consistently seeking God’s will for his life
11.  has made some incredible friends and acquaintances over the last few years
10.  the love of my life
9.    surrendered to preach at age 12
8.    has a deep desire to know God more
7.    wants to do God’s will
6.    has started San Angelo Church
5.    committed to me and our family
4.    has grown into a wonderful husband over the last 15 years
3.    inspires me to be a better wife
2.    desires to be totally committed to God and raise our kids to be bold in their faith
1.    wants to be holding each other’s hand when God calls us home! (hopefully not for a long time)

Happy Birthday, Mark!!

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet tribute to your husband!! He is definitely a very talented & loved man or God. I am proud to be associated with him, & San Angelo Church is blessed to have him as our pastor & you & your 4 children among us!
    Love you & your family!!
